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The Divine Purpose of Ethnicity

"And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth; and has determined their pre-appointed times, and the boundaries of their countries, so that they should seek the LORD..."

- Acts 17:26-27

Beloved brethren, in fulfilling our mission to establish unity of the faith in the Commonwealth of Yisrael, our first order of business is to reveal to the Holy Nation at-large - to Hebrews, and true proselytes from all nations - the Holy Order of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ, and the divine purpose of ethnicity in general.


To begin with, it is written that YAH "...shows His word unto Ya'aqob; His statutes and His judgments unto Yisrael. He has not dealt so with any nation; and as for His judgments, they have not known them' (Ps. 147:19-20). And as Almighty YAH Himself has declared: "I will make a new Covenant with the house of Yisrael, and with the house of Yahudah"

(Jer. 31:31; Heb. 8:8).

Surely, after the four-hundred-year affliction of Yisrael in America, the greater Commonwealth and the world must finally come to understand that we as the natural seed of Ya'aqob - who are of the faith of Abraham - are Divinely chosen and ordained as the primary heirs, and rightful executors of the Covenant blessings of YAH (Rom. 9:3-5).

Now, to be sure, in our Hebrew culture, the word 'ben' [son] refers to a man who carries the honor, authority and character of his father, and not merely his genes. Indeed brethren, love is stronger than flesh - and thicker than blood. Those among us who would inherit the promises must be of the faith of our father Abraham. That is to say, in Christ.


Nevertheless, Abba YAH would simply be breaking His Covenants with the founding fathers of the faith, by placing the authority to establish and govern the Kingdom anywhere other than in the hands of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ, to then be delegated to His adopted sons who willingly submit to Kingdom order in our Father’s House.


For example, you Hebrews: which of you having begat sons, and having occasion to adopt sons from another nation, would then sow discord into your own household, by appointing your adopted sons over the obedient sons from your own loins? And yet at the same time, we must also know that "...a wise servant shall have rule over a son that causes shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren" (Prov. 17:2). Sélah.

Behold, saints: the outward restoration of our national identity alone is no remedy for our confusion. In fact, the very reason Christ was crucified was for daring to renounce mere nationality and Levitical ordinances as the standards for measuring one’s walk with YAHBrethren, it is written that in this emerging New Kingdom age, the eternal Melchizedek Priesthood shall be fully restored...

And despite certain factions of the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware who have yet to see this mystery, hidden in Elohim until the resurrection of Yahushua - the adoption of sons from among the nations - Abba YAH is faithful to His Covenants with our fathers, and will yet choose the natural seed of Yisrael in Christ as the root of the Commonwealth (Rom. 11). Even so, Ahmen.



Hear O Yisrael: We as a nation must no longer continue to lean on our biological heritage as Hebrews, with our supposed superior "African" genes, rather than leaning on the everlasting arms... After all, it was this very tendency that resulted in our ancient chastisements and removals from the Promised Land to begin with.


With that being said, let it be known that the set apart land rests on its own tectonic plate, and the African continent sits on a separate plate. And thus, for we as the sons of Yisrael to continue to insist in our arrogance that Ha Eretz is Hamitic "northeast Africa" represents an unjust balance, which has undermined our cultural and geopolitical credibility in that region, and around the world.


Behold, Hebrews: in order to bless all the nations of the earth (Gen. 22:18), we must now acknowledge that the Holy Land represents both northeast Africa and 'southwest Eurasia' - as both continents are historically significant to us, with both being locations of the ancient Diaspora.


Remember, akhim, our father Abraham began his sojourning as Abram Ben Terah from Ur of the Chaldees - to the East of Eden. And to reach beyond that, Genesis 15:18 reveals to us that "...YAHUWAH made a covenant with Abram, saying, 'Unto your seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.'"


So then - the set apart land includes territory in both Africa and Eurasia. Sélah.

Now, as we all know, the word holy means 'set apart.' And therefore, the Holy Land by definition is "the Land set apart." So I would simply pose the question, set apart from what? Or from whom? I do believe the answer is clear: from all other peoples and lands 'round about – including the Hamitic nations of Africa.


Also notice, brethren, that after our fathers first came out of Africa, Abba YAH defined His own inheritance, with Mosheh declaring to the newly sovereign nation, "For you are a holy people unto YAHUWAH Elohim: YAHUWAH Elohim has chosen you to be a special people unto Himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth" (Deut. 7:6).


After all, our Divine purpose as Hebrew Yisraelites in the set apart land has always been to bridge the spiritual gap between the two great continents of the Old World. This is the bottom-line reason we were strategically positioned as His chosen people in the so-called Middle East. And moreover, the fact that Europe and Asia share the same tectonic plate must even further inform our new approach to fulfilling our national responsibility!

Now consider, Yisrael, that our father Abraham journeyed from modern-day Iraq, migrated into Egypt, and then settled in the Land of the Promise. Prophetically speaking, his very sojourn itself was a foreshadowing of the divine mission of his Hebrew Yisraelite posterity. And despite our own sojourn as Yahudah in Africa, in order to reunite with Yisrael, who sojourned in America, our conceptualizing of national unity must now become universal rather than Afrocentric.


For example, in using our Kingdom colors as a metaphor, if Africa is red, and Eurasia is blue, then we as all Yisrael must be purple, representing the end-time reunion and synergy of Yahudah and Ephraim, and by extension, of Africa and Eurasia respectively, according to the ‘dry bones’ prophecy of Yahkezkel-Ezekiel.


As it is written, “In that day, Yisrael will be one of three with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the land, whom YAHUWAH of Hosts shall bless, saying, ‘Blessed be Egypt My people (representing Africa), and Assyria the work of My hands (representing Eurasia), and Yisrael My inheritance’” (Isa. 19:24-25). Sélah.

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