Laws, Principles and Practices
Yashah Ha Semakh, a Servant and Royal Emissary of the House of Davïd, to the Holy Nation Worldwide, Greetings.
Beloved brethren, it is written that 'GOD is love.' This foundational truth is the cornerstone of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, and the guiding principle for all that we seek to become as members of the family of YAH, and citizens of the Kingdom of Yisrael.
The whole creation now utters a collective groan, as we stand on the precipice of the fulfillment of all things spoken by the ancient prophets. And despite unprecedented levels of doctrinal division and factionalism in the household of faith, there remains one truth we all agree upon - that the nations at-large, and faith communities in particular, are in a perpetual state of confusion. It is also written that 'YAH is not the author of confusion.'
Of course, that dubious distinction belongs to the enemy of our souls, Satan - the father of lies who hates the Most High, and all who call upon His Holy Name (Ps. 68:4). And surely, the love of YAH cannot flourish in the cold darkness of our enemies' chaos and division. So then, with the bought-and-sold gatekeepers of religion traitorously winking at our envy and strife, how will divine order be restored?
Hear, O Yisrael: The faithful remnant in Christ must now take heed to the sound of the emerging trumpets of YAH - His hidden servants - raised up in this final hour to call His Kingdom to order. Even so, Ahmen.
Clearly, our Father is not slack concerning His promises! Yahushua has assured us through His High Priestly prayer that we would all be one, even as He and the Father are One... In fact, the reason He sent the Holy Spirit and gave ministry gifts to the church, is that we might all come into the unity of the faith.
The apostle Paul beseeched us, "...that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment." (1 Cor. 1:10). So then, why the confusion? Why the strife? Why are we yet divided ad infinitum? The answer is simple: because the Holy Nation does not yet fully understand the Kingdom Order Abba YAH has ordained to establish His people.
According to his first epistle, the apostle Kefa [Peter] referred to the early Hebrew Yisraelite believers scattered throughout Asia Minor both as Christians and as the Holy Nation. My brethren, to then demonize the word 'Christian' and spiritualize the words 'Holy Nation,' and suggest that the faithful remnant in Christ is something other than the anointed Kingdom of Yisrael, is to change the plain literal meaning of scripture without any contextual reason whatsoever.
In fact, in the sight of Abba YAH, the true church is a Kingdom government in waiting; destined to rule not only the nations of the earth, but the very angelic hosts of heaven.
At this stage, when most among the Hebrew-unaware think governance and politics, like when they think Christianity, they continue to do so within a Greco-Roman cultural context. Being unaware of their true heritage and legacy, such brothers remain under the influence of the dominant political ideology of the western world.
But in truth, an actual working definition of politics is 'the science of governance' - not the science of democracy. And surely, brethren, the hour has come for we as the rightful executors of the Covenants to expand our understanding of governance beyond the electoral process.
To begin with, Yahushua is a King - not an elected official. And therefore, He is the head of a Kingdom. And a Kingdom is a king's domain or measure of rule. And the King of Kings, Yahushua Ha Melekh-Kohane, taught us to pray, "Our Father who art in heaven..." - not our President. And "Thy Kingdom come..." - not thy Democracy. Ahmen?
Behold, saints: the true Body of Christ at-large must repent from seeking to establish Kingdom order by emulating the democratic, socialist, and communist orders of this world - which ironically, are the same powers we are called upon as true Messianic Christians (anointed ones) to rule in righteousness and truth. And so, beloved brethren, we must now begin to look toward our geopolitical future as a nation - and we must do so in proper Kingdom order.
Now - notice brethren, that ancient Yisrael, even from her beginning as a sovereign nation under Moses until the reign of King Davïd, was never able to establish herself in the covenant blessings of YAH. Why not? Because all forms of government other than a theocratic monarchy disallow the defining of divine national identity and purpose by acclamation - by a virtual one hundred percent consensus. Unity - without a "loyal opposition." Echad - E pluribus unum indeed.
Inevitably, the ancient era of the Judges ended with this lament: "In those days, there was no king in Yisrael, and every man did that which was right in his own eyes" (Judges 21:25). Sélah.
Even now, 'Judeo-Christian' America, with all of her vaunted material wealth, military might, and world influence, is quickly unravelling at the partisan seams, and teetering on the brink of civil war. Why? Because of the mass cultural confusion that inevitably arises among any people attempting to govern themselves without a unified divine purpose.
In fact, the Western democratic concept of an opposing party serving as the "loyal opposition" is actually a contradiction in terms. And President Abraham Lincoln, considered by many to be America’s greatest president, in referring to the Civil War, quoted Christ saying, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." And yet, like America’s great Founding Fathers before him, Lincoln did not perceive that a built-in governmental division - the separation of powers - was actually codified as an organizing principle in the U.S. Constitution.
Behold, saints: the true Holy Nation is not America in and of herself. And neither is she Great Britain, nor Vatican City. The true Holy Nation is the true Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael - the faithful remnant of Abba YAH in Christ. Sélah.
The highest form of government in YAHUWAH is, and always has been, a theocratic monarchy. In fact, Abba YAH Himself is 'Melekh Ha Olam' - King of the Universe. And therefore, according to His own image and likeness, YAH ordained and established a Royal House to rule His people Yisrael.
Now as you know, Abba YAH chose Davïd Ben Yishai (David, son of Jesse) of the prevailing tribe of Yahudah - a man after His own heart; and not only anointed him as King, but established an everlasting covenant with him concerning his seed who would come thereafter, including the ultimate King of Yisrael, Yahushua Ha Mashiakh.
And yet, this vitally important Covenant of Almighty YAH with King Davïd has been totally dismissed by the pseudo-Christian world; and wildly misinterpreted, and even usurped, by certain other so-called "Christian" and "Zionist" elements. Nevertheless, my brethren, all the promises of YAH are "…yea, and in Him, Ahmen."
The Davidic Covenant is said by most 'Judeo-Christian' scholars and theologians to have been completely fulfilled in the Resurrection of Christ. But given our current state of doctrinal confusion, even among the remnant, we would do well to take a fresh look at this Covenant; to discern the role it played in establishing the early church – and of what has since become of the Royal Family of Davïd.
To begin with, it is no "coincidence" that Yahushua’s brother Ya'aqob (James) was chosen to lead the mother church at Jerusalem, rather than believing Kefa, Pah'ul, or Yakhanan - Peter, Paul, or John - despite his mockery and unbelief during Yahushua's earthly ministry.
It is recorded in the book of Acts, that despite the testimonies of the chief apostles of Christ, it was ‘James’ who Divinely decreed the Gentiles being added to the nation; quoting the prophet Ahmos, saying, “After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of Davïd which is fallen down... that the residue of men might seek after YAHUWAH, and all the Gentiles upon whom My Name is called, says YAHUWAH who does all these things” (Acts 15:16-17).
So, why was it that our Messiah’s brother was given this historic revelation? As well as the Divine authority to render the final judgment on so critical a matter as the naturalization of Gentiles as new citizens of Yisrael? Because as Yahushua's legal father Yosef’s second son, Ya'aqob was next in the line of succession to preside over the House of Davïd and its earthly concerns in Melekh Yahushua's absence - which in this case was the very Kingdom of YAH, the true holy nation of Yisrael, and its new called-out government, the Church. Sélah.
Now behold, O Yisrael, a great mystery: according to early Church historian Eusebius [Church History: Book II, Chapter 1; Book III, Chapter XXXII], many of Yahushua's kinsmen not only presided over the churches proper, but also outranked Kefa and Pah'ul (Peter and Paul), along with the rest of the original twelve apostles.
In fact, the rule of the House of Davïd over the true Universal Church was standard operating procedure for some three centuries - until the usurping of its authority was completed by the Romans under Emperor Constantine I, early in the fourth century...
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