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  • The Servant | United States | TCVI

    The Servant Yashah Ben Yahushua is a Servant and Royal Emissary of the House of Davïd, sent by Almighty YAH through Christ. Elder Yashah was born in Los Angeles, California, and raised in the Watts-Willowbrook district; and has been a dedicated disciple of Christ for over forty years. The elder apostle is the founding father of the Church at Victorville (TCVI), The Kingdom of Yisrael Community Network (KYCN),, KYCN Media, and Mayim Records. From his personal conversion until today, this humble servant's labor in the LORD has been constant - and uncompromised. And in fact, a miraculous visitation and anointing by the risen Christ, in the late summer of 1982, makes his calling and ministry very unique - and highly controversia l... Over the years, the elder servant has connected with and prophesied before key figures in the music industry; along with prominent L.A. pastors and "prosperity preachers," and a broad diversity of international leadership throughout the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement. ​ In late 2016, Elder Yashah was divinely assigned to an affiliation with the legendary African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem and Kefar Ha Shalom [the Village of Peace] at Dimona, Israel; which the U.S. Congress has aptly dubbed, "the Miracle in the Desert" - and which has remained for some fifty-four years, the largest organized settlement of supposed 'African Americans' outside of America. ​ Since that time, the servant has been engaged in direct dialogue and fellowship with his Excellency, Nasik Gavriel Ha Gadol, the great Elder Statesman of the Holy Council at Dimona, and a Founding Father of the Kingdom of YAH; while exchanging doctrine and strategies with the Kefar's Minister of Information, Sar Ahmadiel Ben Yehuda; along with pioneer Elder Daniyel Ben Gavriel, and Elder Priests, Prince AmonYah Ben Eleazer of Mitzpé Ramon, and Anavyel Ben Ephraim Ha Kohane of Arad... The Honorable Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (R.I.C.), original International Ambassador of the AHIOJ (second from L), and firstborn son, Ben Asiel (second from R), during one of several diplomatic conferences with African nations, representing the HYNW. (2017). In the process, the servant was also blessed through miraculous circumstances to connect in Kingdom governance and brotherhood with his Excellency, the great Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (R.I.C.), the Kingdom's original International Ambassador. At the time of the prince's transition on August 21, 2022, he was faithfully serving as Prime Minister of the Hebrew Yisraelite Nation Worldwide; and as Founder and Director of the Kingdom outreach, 'A Better World.' May our beloved Elder Statesman and countryman rest in Eternal Completeness... YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH! As for the works of the apostle Yashah: From writing, producing and prophesying at the pinnacle of the music business while refusing to sell his soul for "stardom," to boldly challenging corrupt industry producers and executives; to publicly rebuking corrupt religious leaders; to leading in-home Bible studies; to raising a natural family as Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ; to founding and directing Preparing the Way Ministries, and building its landmark website,; to creating the breakthrough 'Yahoo Forum,' Hebrew Israelites in Christ; to mentoring, teaching, and providing curriculum for at-risk youth in Southern California's High Desert... Over the decades, this humble servant's labor in Ha Mashiakh has become a reliable source of edification and inspiration for many. His end-time Davïd ic calling has been greatly sifted and tested for forty years; through many fiery trials and great tribulation; and has now been approved through the Holy Spirit by both GOD and man - and is being borne witness to among the faithful remnant of the Most High across America, and around the world.

  • The Vision | United States | TCVI

    The Vision TCVI foresees Almighty YAH through Christ restoring His chosen families of Davïd and Tzad ó k to Yisrael - to execute Divine Law, Order and Justice in the Eternal Kingdom to come. TCVI foresees a faithful body of Kingdom Elders in Christ who have rejected conforming to the globalist New World Order, and shall duly establish the New Sanhedrin of Yisrael. ​ ​​ We foresee the organizing of local gatherings from house to house, restoring intimacy and accountability to our communities.​​ ​ We foresee the Holy Nation moving from ownership to stewardship, like the original church at Jerusalem, and holding all things in common.​ ​ We foresee a divine synergy of agreement, when all Yisraelites shall be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment.​ ​ We foresee a global transfer of material wealth, coming from all nations, and being placed at the feet of the faithful and true Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ. ​ We foresee a 'Great Gathering' of the children of Yisrael into one territory in the wilderness of America, to build the foundation of the New Kingdom... ​ We foresee a New Exodus of redeemed Yisraelites from around the world to our ancient Promised Land. ​ IT'S KINGDOM TIME. ​*****

  • Resources | United States | TCVI

    RESOURCES Introduction TCVI represents a Davïd ic call to move beyond the worldly traditions of men, and to build a Kingdom-state in 'the wilderness of the people,' according to the Divine blueprint provided by the Word of YAH. The documents listed on this page were each conceived and birthed out of that purpose. And the devotion of His servant to that sacred purpose is the heart and the evolution of this ministry. Nationhood The Hidden Legacy Yisraelites vs. the 'Black' Church The Legacy of Azusa Street National Unity The Redemption of Yisrael-Ephraim * The New Emancipation Proclamation The State of The Kingdom: Beyond 2019 KYCN National Leadership Council The Great Gathering Priesthood The Vision TCVI Mission KYCN Purpose Keeping the Passover Kingdom Order of Study Kingdom Order of Ministry FAQ From Traditional Christians Restoration of the Mazzaroth and the Moedim * THE PROPHETIC Operations - Learn the real truth about Hebrew prophetic order, and the function of the Kingdom office, as distinct from the gift of prophecy made available to every true believer in Christ. Administrations - Do all true prophecies come to pass? Do all prophecies under the New Testament provide comfort and encouragement only, without correction? Are prophecies of divine judgment avoidable? Gifts - Receive the mind of Christ on the prophetic gifts, and why they were intended to operate differently at-large and in local gatherings, and much more. Study these teachings for an overall grasp of Hebraic prophetic understanding. The Prophetic - Part. 1: An Overview The Prophetic - Part. 2: The Seven Forms of Prophecy FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES TCVI offers a wide variety of teachings, reflected in the following list of epistles, study guides and other writings. Just as the tablets of stone were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant with the Torah scrolls placed nearby, this servant seeks to faithfully serve according to the instructions, by the power of the Ten Commandments written in our hearts. True Christianity The Incarnation of Christ The Truth About the Trinity The Mystery of I AM Kingdom Authority A Divine Division The Spirit of the Law The Outcasts of Yisrael There Remains a Rest Kingdom Order of Male and Female * The Order of Nations The Principle of Adoption Kingdom Praise Love vs. Fear Sticking to the Script Kingdom Vigilance The Spiritual Seasons of Life Calling Him Abba Kingdom Proverbs KINGDOM GOVERNANCE TCVI's projected Order and Delegation of Ministry represents the soon-coming Eternal Order of Melchizedek in Messiah Yahushua. The following Royal Declarations, Decrees and other official documents provide an overview of Kingdom governance, including monarchy, order, structure, decorum, protocol and diplomacy. Kingdom Order Kingdom Sovereignty Kingdom Articles of The Faith The Order of Government The Royal House Kingdom Structural Overview Kingdom Order in the Local Church Kingdom of Yisrael Community Land Trust Kingdom of Yisrael Land Reserve Initiative Kingdom Community Funding Initiative Profit vs. Non-Profit Corporations Echad: One Kingdom Under YAH The Knesset or the Kingdom The Dimona Dilemma The Two Kingdoms The United Nation of Yisrael Kingdom Commonwealth Chart HEBREW ESCHATOLOGY In recent decades, a media-driven version of end-time prophecy has gained mass public appeal - and been widely accepted as biblical truth. This deep state sponsored propaganda has even crept in among the saints, causing great fear and confusion. TCVI offers a clear, scripture-based solution to this deception, rooted in ancient Hebrew eschatology. 2019 | 2022 The Second Coming of Christ * To Flee or Not to Flee The Spirit of Elijah Historic Four Blood Moons The Two Holy Cities to Come The Seventieth Jubilee KOY End-Time Prophecy The Branch KINGDOM MARRIAGE As we enter into this glorious New Kingdom era, surely the subject of Kingdom marriage is where the Spirit is resting in the Word. In response, Abba Y AH has inspired His servant to uncover the hidden truths of this basic building block of the Commonwealth. The Purpose of Kingdom Marriage The Order of Kingdom Marriage The Culture of Kingdom Marriage The Intimacy of Kingdom Marriage The Kingdom Marriage of Boaz and Ruth The Faith of the Kingdom Brides The Adoption of Strange Women Kingdom Polygyny PROPHETIC UPDATES The Final Seven Steps The Unfolding of End-Time Events Kingdom Christianity The Feast Days and the Constellations The Restoration of True Yisrael The Truth About the Millennial Reign * The Revealing of the Truth-Teller The Order of the End Time Wars An End Time Sign to The Kingdom The Revelation of 'Black Jesus ' CONTROVERSIAL DOCTRINE The topics covered in these links are posted here for all Yisrael, but especially for the truly humble and teachable among us. In this perilous hour, we as His people can no longer afford to repeatedly re-lay the foundation of first principles (Heb. 6:1). We believe it's high time for the whole nation to come into doctrinal unity and spiritual maturity! True Christianity Kingdom Polygyny Pagan Symbols The Mystery of I AM * The Vengeance of YAH The True Legacy of MLK Profit vs. Non-Profit Corporations Family Support Here are some helpful counseling outlines created by the servant for 'One 2 One Mentors,' a local non-profit that served at-risk youth and their families in the High Desert. Class Objective Let's Get Acquainted Family Conflict Resolution Family Team Building Forgiving the Past Healthy Relationships Love & Limits Anger Management The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol The Mayim Center The Kingdom of Yisrael Community Network has developed and forwarded a project proposal for a new non-profit organization, for the following purpose: "The Mayim Center for Social & Cultural Enlightenment has set as its primary goal the connecting of generations; with special focus on missing and ineffective fatherhood, which lies at the heart of youth and family dysfunction." - Yashah Ben Yah'shua MC Project Proposal.pdf Help Our Youth​ Prospective donors - For more information, please contact TCVI at: The Church at Victorville P.O. Box 2014 Victorville, CA 92393 Email: Study Tools Blue Letter Bible Bible Gateway Strong's Concordance Hebrew Alphabet Chart Torah in Ancient Hebrew The Dead Sea Scrolls The Apocrypha The Book of Enoch Josephus Eusebius Tacitus

  • TCVI Mission | United States | TCVI

    Our Mission The TCVI mission is to gather, organize, and unify a Kingdom state in the wilderness of America; as a divine demonstration of freedom and justice for true Yisrael and the world. Over the past several years, the servant has received and inscribed a Divine Kingdom Order of Governance; designed to evolve into an independent, sovereign Yisraelite state. Now according to the standard definition, a nation is, "a community of people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity or history." By that standard, we as natural and naturalized Yisraelites are already a nation, but not yet an outward Kingdom. On the other hand, a state is defined as, "an organized community living under a unified political system." And by that definition, our emerging state now hinges upon a Kingdom-wide restoration and ratification of the House of Davïd. At this stage, the only other requirement is a sovereign Yisraelite territory. And that standard shall soon be officially raised over the Kingdom, when Abba YAH gathers His remnant into "the wilderness of the people," as it is written. Behold, saints: As faithful Yisraelites, we are indeed a Holy Nation; seeking to elevate our people and the world - as we evolve from our current state of sharing a common history and culture, into the everlasting Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael. KYCN STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

  • Controversy | United States | TCVI

    CONTROVERSY On March 4, 1968, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), under the direction of the infamous J. Edgar Hoover, circulated a staff memo entitled: Counterintelligence Program: Black Nationalist -- Hate Groups Racial Intelligence. This deep state-sponsored government program, which came to be known as 'COINTELPRO,' stated that one of its main goals was " prevent the rise of a 'Messiah' who could unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement." By 1999, the United States Government considered the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement to be more of a threat to its internal security than "...terrorists and jihadists." This unwarranted covert activity has helped to create a climate of hatred and fear toward those of us among the supposed "African American" people who have awakened to our true national identity. Now to be sure, within any social movement there are extremist elements that reflect poorly upon the whole. No doubt. But even the blameless factions within our ranks have faced constant ridicule, false accusations, and worse, coming from every ethnicity, class, political view, and religious tradition. And especially, from envious and traitorous "family" members, "friends," co-workers and infiltrators. And so it is... The following is TCVI's official response to the six most common accusations: 1 "You're anti-Semitic." Our response: Let it be known and understood before all the nations of the earth that we as Hebrew Yisraelites are not against the true Jews - who ironically, happen to be "black," genetically Shemitic, and the head tribe of our own Kingdom. So to all sincere seekers of truth through the Torah from every ethnicity of mankind, regardles s of color, class or nationality: we love and embrace you i n Abba YAH . And t herefore, we beseech you to come as you are to your true Messiah; the Eternal King and High Priest of all Yisrael, Christ - Yahushua Ha Mashiakh. H alleluYAH! But at the same time, we do identify those who are not Jews , neither by ethnic ity nor by practice, but are still referred to as "Jewish." And we recognize that due to the disobedience of our own people, these pagan Gentiles, along with their sold-out allies in Hollywood, politics, and mass media, have been allowed by our GOD to shrewdly embed into the public mind that anyone who would find fault with them for any reason must be i mmediately branded as “anti-Semitic.” We also recognize that this despicable tactic has been used for centuries to maintain a worldwide "Jewish" usurping of the divine inheritance promised to the true seed of Abraham, Yitzhaq, and Ya'aqob. And up until this pivotal moment in history, these deceivers - and their traitorous black "gatekeepers" - have been allowed by Almighty YAH to exercise a virtual monopoly on the priceless human capital encoded in the true seed; and to do so without legal or moral consequence. But as of Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles] 2019, the prophesied four-hundred-year affliction of our people has fully run its course. A nd now, a fter the long night of our captivity, Abba YAH in His Divine Providence is strategically lifting the curse, and bringing the truth of our stolen heritage into the light of day before America and the world! YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!! Surely it is written of the Almighty, that righteousness and justice are the foundation of His Throne. And surely, they shall receive justice without mercy who have shown no mercy; for the mouth of YAHUWAH has spoken it. 2 "You're anti-Christian." Our response: To begin with, to suggest that any 'religious' group is a theological monolith is unrealistic. And of course, this holds true for the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement. Obviously, there are believers in Christ among us, and non-believers as well, just like there are among traditional 'Judeo-Christians.' Now, what most Hebrew Yisraelite factions refer to as Christianity (and the word 'Christian' simply means "in Christ") we refer to as 'Church-ianity' - which is the ancient Emperor Constantine's shrewd religious mixing of Roman 'Mithraism' with the true faith once delivered unto the saints at Jerusalem. It is this pagan, pseudo-Christian "Roman Catholicism" - which supposed Protestants have never fully rejected - that the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement a nd TCVI categorically reject, and that without apologies. The TCVI Royal Church is a universal ministry to all Yisrael, and we wholeheartedly believe in Christ and His redemptive sacrifice at Calvary . But we simply cannot accept a Euro-Gentile "G od" who is not the real Christ, but a concocted "white" image ordered by the Vatican, to help facilitate the Arab-Eurasian-Jewish enslavement of the true Jews. As the real children of Yisrael, we know and understand full well that Christ, the true Messiah and Eternal King and High Priest of Yisrael, is a Hebrew Yisraelite - a Yahudi ( Jew) from the tribe of Yahudah - and not a Euro-Gentile, Anglo-Saxon or Caucasian. And yes, His skin color matters. If not, there would have been no reason to usurp the identity of the true Christ to begin with. In fact, even our 'African Methodist Episcopal' (AME) kinsmen , for example, are aware of this historical truth - although the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware among us have reclaimed our national identity completely... But even as we speak, traditional Christians of every persuasion are turning to their Hebrew roots in great numbers, in a powerful end-time move of His Spirit! 3 "You're legalists." Our response: T raditional Christians, being indoctrinated with a Greco-Romanized mi ndset, have misunderstood the profound writings of the apostle Paul, and believe that the cur se of the Law is the Law itself. In other words, 'Churchianity' insists that those of us who are reconnecting to our Hebrew Yisraelite culture are "frustrating the grace of G OD ." But in truth, according to the book of Hebrews, the only part of the Torah which is no longer applicable in Christ are the carnal ordinances of the Levitical Priesthood - the Order of the former Temple - which was replaced with the New Covenant Royal Priesthood of Melchizedek; since Christ, our eternal High Priest, sprang forth not from Lev ï , but from Yahudah (Ezek. 44:10-31, Heb. 7:11-19). Indeed. For example, the divine blueprint of the New Temple which is soon to come, is designed according to this change in the Order of Priesthood; with very critical differences - such as no Menorah, no veil before the Holy of Holies, and so on (Ezek., chapters 40-47). Clearly, the Yisraelite moral, civil, and dietary laws - and our Holy Convocations - have in no wise been abolished in Christ. Now concerning the keeping of the Law: J ust as the tablets of stone were place d inside the Ark of the Covenant, with the Torah scrolls placed beside the Ark, the Ten Commandments have been written in our hearts by the Holy Sp irit, so that we may be able to comprehend, and outwardly follow the Torah [our Divine Instructions] unto everlasting life. Sélah. In Spirit and in truth, the greatest teachers and keepers of the Torah who have ever lived were Christ Himself, and His apostles. Even the 'Seventh Day Adventist' denomination, for example, has the wisdom to obey the Sabbath Day Commandment, both in the flesh and in the Spirit. And likewise, many other Messianic-Christian organizations have now begun to recognize and acknowledge the Torah-based connection and proper balance between Law and Grace. HalleluYAH! For as it is written, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of Y AHUWAH , and the faith of Yahushua" (Rev. 14:12). Even so, Ahmen. 4 "You're a cult." Our response: According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a cult is - "A small 'religious' group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion, and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous." By that definition, TCVI is absolutely guilty - of practicing "pure religion," as defined by our Messiah's brother, Prince Ya'aqob (Ya'aqob-James 1:27). With that said, the fact that some people may regard TCVI's beliefs or any other set of beliefs as extreme or dangerous does not automatically make it so. In fact, our Messiah Himself and His original Movement were obviously viewed in that same fashion, along with every other significant political or 'religious' movement in history... And beyond that, in 2014, former President 'Barack Hussein Obama' pointed out publicly, for example, that many atrocities, including the "Crusades" of the Middle Ages and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, were committed as a result of the radical religious beliefs of "mainstream" Christians. So again, to conclude that all are guilty based upon the radical extremism of a few is at best, unwise. And at worst, it represents the very folly that led to the national rejection of our Messiah, and the destruction of ancient Yisrael... 5 "You're a hate group." Our response: TCVI teaches that racism and sexism - i.e. , judging, or even condemning someone on the basis of skin color or gender - is both unscriptural and illogical. In fact, these prejudices have long since proven to be foolish, by the very fear-mongering and inflammatory rhetoric of "race" supremacists, misogynists, and misandrists of all kinds. And we do find it "narcissistic" and hypocritical to be accused of racism and sexism by our racist and sexist enemies... So are there any among the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement who prejudge people by color and gender? Of course. But again, this does not include all of us, any more than it does among any oth er group. As for TCVI being misogynistic and "homophobic," we firmly believe in the Kingdom order of male and female , and we fear no one but Almighty YAH and Christ ! Behold the truth: Across all factions, denominations, etc., the worldly call for the removal of "racial" and gender distinction is: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Messiah Yah'shua" (Gal. 3:28). But is this verse really a Pauline declaration that these ancient orders have been removed in Christ? Now notice that the same apostle who wrote , "There is neither Jew nor Greek..." also wrote that the Gospel is, "...for the Jew first, and also for the Greek" (Rom. 1:16). And although he wrote, "there is neither m ale nor female..." he also wrote, "But I would have you know that th e head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man ..." (1 Cor. 11:3). So was the apostle confused , or inconsistent? YAH forbid! In spite of those who reject Paul as an instigator of lawlessness, the truth is clear: the great apostle was absolutely correct. Rather than removing "race" or gender [or class], he was simply informing the bewitched church at Galatia that unlike the doctrine of the hirelings, the order of redemption in Christ is the same for all - regardless of race, gender or social status. 6 "You're terrorists." Our response: This absurd accusation is the most misleading of them all. The idea that the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement is somehow linked to Muslim jihadism based upon similar garments or other cultural features is an obvious lie that should be routinely dismissed. (Although, color-based verbal attacks from certain Hebrew Yisraelite-aware individuals and groups are a legitimate concern.) Despite there being no evidence whatsoever of physical violence being carried out by the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement, this media-driven myth continues to persist. But from our perspective, as the descendants of indigenous "Black Indians" and involuntarily imported slaves - to be accused of engaging in violence by "White Supremacists," who have perpetrated some of the most brutal acts of terrorism in the annals of human history, is perhaps the ultimate irony. FAQ FROM TRADITIONAL CHRISTIANS

  • About | United States | TCVI

    The Servant ABOUT ​Above all things, the Church at Victorville is about love . Love for Almighty YAH our Father, Yahushua our Redeemer, and Yisrael our people. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering... The Fruit of the Spirit are timeless virtues that represent the sum and substance of the Law. And to that end, TCVI is dedicated to rebuilding the Royal Church, according to the Blueprint of Christ Himself! KINGDOM SOVEREIGNTY The Church at Victorville (TCVI) is the Royal Executive Order of the Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael. TCVI was founded in August of 2014, as a sovereign, non-501(c)3 unincorporated church according to the U.S. Constitution, and under the Torah, our Eternal Body of Universal Law. 1619 - 2019 TCVI embodies the eternal Kingdom order and rule of Christ "in seed form." That is to say, we are designed to facilitate an evolution into a fully empowered, sovereign Yisraelite state. And in truth, this is exactly what the Body of Christ has been divinely ordained to become. The Adoption of Sons TCVI represents a Universal Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisraelites, irrespective of local churches, camps and organizations. Now to be sure, we are led by Hebrew Yisraelites, who are the rightful and legal executors of the Holy Covenants. But consider, saints - even the term 'Hebrew Yisraelites' itself, validates His grafted-in Yisraelites. Indeed, our hearts and our doors are open in Christ to receive the adopted sons and daughters of Abba YAH from every kindred, tongue, nation and people. In fact, TCVI foresees that many naturalized Yisraelites will serve as official Kingdom representatives on behalf of their countries of origin. And surely, this organizing principle will soon order formal diplomatic relations with the Kingdom throughout the Commonwealth and beyond. THE ADOPTION OF STRANGE WOMEN

  • Zion | United States | TCVI

    ZION An ancient and faraway land... A land of unmatched history and endless wonder... F aded childhood memories of a glorious city - so fascinating and mysterious, and veiled with the golden haze of eternal promise. The center of the world. The heart of the nations. The birthplace of man's hope for immortality, and the wellspring of our common longing for the Divine... T he once mighty city lies in ruins. The ancient high places languish in low estate. Like a royal bride stripped of her outer adornment, the terrain is naked and exposed, and covered with dark clouds of shame. The branches of fruitless trees are tossed to and fro by the unforgiving winds of time. Behold, a barren wilderness, with a waning expectation for the blooming of a once lush and bountiful land... She is a city no longer renowned for her beauty, that she should be courted by the children of men. A city trodden underfoot by the wicked, and woefully neglected by the passing years... A broken city, with a strained appearance of wariness from fear of her coming new horizon. Ghostly images haunt her nightmares, as foreign nations pollute her Y AH -forsaken streets. And yet, a tiny remnant of her sons and daughters from afar arise to seek the ancient pathways, to reclaim the ruins of a distant and glorious past. The faithful children bond with the long-lost motherland and renew the ancient promise. In the name of love and honor, they brave the hardships, face the trials, and embrace the burden of pilgrimage - a path long since rejected and forsaken by countless generations... Slowly, a faint, yet unmistakable glimmer of hope begins to spread across the horizon... After endless years of parched plains and naked valleys, a dormant underground river bursts to the surface, bringing forth a new refreshing; and ushering in the long-awaited season of divine renewal! Expressions of great awe and humility are etched upon the faces of the remnant... Suddenly, the once barren trees begin to clap their hands, and the royal lilies of the field rejoice in heavenly harmony! A great beacon light of hope now emanates throughout the Promised land, beckoning to the ends of the earth; and a deep, collective exhale echoes across the waning darkness. Then all at once, the wealth of the nations forever removes the shame and disgrace that grieved the Holy Land through the ages... For the ancient City of Davïd is risen; and shall soon to be covered with the Holy garments of praise; and adorned with the glory and splendor of a Royal Bride! Her high places shall teem with great multitudes of the children of YAH gathered from afar ... Behold, O Yisrael, the sheer magnificence of the renewed Promised Land has become the everlasting Glory of the Most High, and the Holy One of Yisrael! The city set on a hill far away... The birthplace of a million dreams. An ancient vision of eternal love and peace for all mankind. The garden spot of the universe. The land of lands. Zion.

  • The Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael | United States | TCVI

    THE KINGDOM "Have you not considered what this people have spoken, saying of the two families which YAHUWAH has chosen, that He has cast them off? And thus, they have despised my people, that they should no longer be a nation before them." - Jeremiah 33:24 ​ ​***** THE HOUSE OF EPHRAIM Kingdom Judicial Council From the Tribe of the Birthright, Abba YAH has chosen this family to administer justice throughout the Kingdom Commonwealth. (Jer. 31:6-9) Royal Executive Council THE HOUSE OF DAV Ï D This is the First Family of Yisrael, ordained and anointed by Almighty YAH through King Davïd to rule His chosen people forever. (2 Sam. 7:16) THE HOUSE OF TZADÓK Kingdom Legislative Council As the Second Family of Yisrael, this is the YAH-ordained Body of Kingdom Lawyers and Legislators of the Eternal Sanhedrin. (Ezek. 44:10-15) THE HOUSE OF ELDERS Kingdom Tribal Council A Representative Body of Elders shall serve at the Tribal-state level, directing day-to-day operations within their respective local and tribal municipalities, pursuant to the oversight of the Royal House. (Exod. 18:13-27) IT'S KINGDOM TIME. At this dawning of the New Kingdom age, Abba YAH is rebuilding the Tabernacle of Davïd, to reunite the staffs of Yahudah and Yisrael as one! THE ROYAL HOUSE "The House of Ephraim will direct the ten northern tribes; ministering as judges, and Kingdom watchmen on behalf of the Royal Family." (Isa. 11:13) "The Divine key to the Kingdom is the restoration of Executive power to the Royal House, decreed under the reign of King Davïd." (Jer. 33:14-16) "The appointed priestly remnant of the Levites will perform continual sacrifices and offerings to Almighty YAH in His eternal Temple." (Ezek. 43:18-19) Look beyond race and religion and discover the Kingdom purpose of Hebrew Yisraelites! KINGDOM ORDER

  • The Great Gathering | United States | TCVI

    In the Wilderness of the People of America THE GREAT GATHERING APOSTOLIC DECREE ​ ​ Yashah Ha Shaleakh, Servant and Royal Emissary of the House of Davïd, to the Holy Nation Worldwide, Greetings. Beloved children, in light of the growing New Awakening, and the ongoing controversy over the location of ancient Jerusalem, a new urgency to return to the Promised Land has swept through the Kingdom. And certainly, the scriptures are clear concerning the promise of a physical return... As for this servant, I look forward with great anticipation to a pilgrimage to Zion for Passover 2025, YAH willing! With that being said, many among the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware, including this servant, expect that before Abba YAH fully restores our ancient homeland, He will gather us into the wilderness of our affliction - New Yisrael / Arzareth - America - in the midst of His representative "melting pot" of all the peoples of the earth. Sélah. Behold, saints: Let it be acknowledged throughout the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement, that the only vast wilderness areas in the United States are located in the Western states. And it "just so happens" that from the original land of our fathers, the most distant wilderness region on earth is the Mojave Desert in Southern California - the former land of Ha Makhav; a very rare, Torah-oriented Yisraelite tribe, dwelling in The Land of the Joshua Tree - with nearby Los Angeles sharing virtually the same global latitude as Jerusalem herself... The true tribal name of the Mojave native Americans is Ha Makhav - Hebrew definition: "The open and secure bending water." [The Hebrew etymology of Ha Makhav: Ha - 'the', Mem - 'water' (mighty, blood), Kaf - 'bend' (open, tame), Vav - 'secure' (add, hook)]. Incredibly, the one-hundred-ten-mile Makhav (Mojave) river is underground, and literally flows backwards across San Bernardino County – away from the ocean instead of towards it. The river's waters never reach the sea. And one of only two places it surfaces is in Victorville, California. The current area of this High Desert city was the seat of the Makhav Capital, where the 'mayim' (water) - the 'mem' in Makhav - was available in abundance. Indeed. And let it also be known that poverty-stricken Jacob from South L.A. has already begun to relocate to the High Desert in serious numbers, by the outstretched arm of Almighty YAH! ​​ A SAFE HAVEN At this glorious and yet perilous hour in our history, we as true Yisraelites have now witnessed the final year of our four-hundred-year affliction in America; accompanied by the great sign of the four blood moons, and a steep rise in unchecked terrorism against our people. Notice that in our captivities in ancient Egypt and Babylon, we gathered together in our own separate territories, and thereby remained strong and unified. We were together in one place. This is why the Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzars, and Hamans were never able to fully disenfranchise our people as America has done. In other words, we established our own territory in each captivity, to preserve our people and sustain our culture. We must do so again. ​ ​ Hear, O Yisrael: It is written, "Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, says Adonai YAHUWAH" (Ezek. 20:36). Notice that the wilderness our ancient fathers escaped to was yet in the land of Egypt - in the land formerly ruled by their oppressors. According to the prophecy, so shall He plead with true Yisrael today - in a wilderness formerly under our oppressors as well. In the 'New Egypt.' Sélah. ​ Let it be known throughout the Movement that the Servant-Emissary of the House of Davïd has organized and structured the TCVI Church-Sanhedrin to provide a legal foundation for a sovereign Yisraelite state in the wilderness of America, as a safe haven for our people - restoring the United Kingdom of Yisrael in exile. ​​​ ​ 2019 For as long as most of us can remember, the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware community has been deeply divided over the 'four-hundred years prophecy' recorded in Genesis. And as we all know, the 2019 end-date is based on the official 1619 historical marker of the introduction of chattel slavery into America. The prophecy reveals that after a four-hundred-year servitude, Abraham's seed shall come out of great affliction, "...with great substance." And now, the historical marker of 1619 has been officially codified by America in the recent legislation, House Resolution 1242; echoing the position of the proponents among us [of which this servant is surely one]. So does this particular prophecy apply to all Yisrael? As you know, according to the Torah, Hebrew Yisraelites were scattered across the length and breadth of the earth. But the final dispersal of the Kingdom of Yahudah was primarily southward into Africa. And yet, we who were delivered to the Americas - and to the United States in particular - were specifically set apart from Yahudah in Africa, as well as from Ephraim in America, and the Commonwealth at-large. To be sure, many of our Yisraelite ancestors were living, both free and bond, in the Western Hemisphere prior to 1619. However, 1619 marks the onset of our affliction beginning at Point Comfort, Virginia - which occurred under the aegis of the revolutionary 'American Experiment.' Let it also be known throughout the Commonwealth that Hebrew Yisraelites from the United States of America represent a specifically set-apart component of the overall Diaspora, consisting primarily of the ruling class of the Kingdom of Yahudah, the inhabitants of Benyamin and Yerushalayim, and the Royal family of Davïd. So why the United States? My fellow countrymen, the original intent of the U.S. Constitution was to replicate the Divine preeminence of ancient Yisrael. This destiny and purpose makes the United States of America separate and distinct among all the nations of the earth. To that extent, the four-hundred-year captivity of Abraham’s seed began under the thirteen British colonies of America in August of 1619, and set in motion a chastisement and processing that is totally unique among the Diaspora. (Note: The maiden voyage of 'The Good Ship Jesus,' marking the introduction of chattel slavery into the Western Hemisphere, was to the Spanish stronghold of the Dominican Republic, in the year 1562, some fifty-seven years earlier.) The truth is, brethren, that the four-hundred years prophecy specifically concerns Abraham’s seed (singular), which the New Davidic Covenant reveals to be Yahushua - the Messiah Himself (Gal. 3:16). Therefore, the Genesis prophecy speaks only of those Hebrew Yisraelites determined by YAH to be in Yahushua Ha Mashiakh (Gal. 3:29). Sélah. Clearly, the overwhelming majority of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ are, and will be, from America. And so shall the Hebrew Yisraelites, led by the Royal family of Davïd, and all Yahudah and Yerushalayim, gloriously fulfill the prophecy of Genesis of an end-times mass Exodus of the seed of Ya’aqob to the land of our fathers. Even so, Ahmen. EGYPT OR BABYLON Even at the dawning of our prophesied deliverance, there remains much confusion in the Movement over the very nature of our captivity. For example, some say we must flee "Babylon," meaning America, and return to our homeland as a refuge from the coming wrath of YAH. [And yet, it is written, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Mashiakh Yahushua, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit."] On the other hand, some of us say that America is the new Egypt; and that we will be passed over, just as it was in Goshen - and like the first Exodus, we shall come forth with great substance. To begin with, our conflating of these allegories has caused us to overlook the fact that the two captivities were completely different - both in terms of their prophetic meaning, and their effect on our ancient fathers. Indeed, we must flee Babylon. No doubt! But remember, the Babylonians led us away captive; whereas with the Egyptians (like in America), Yisraelites were living in the land long before the age of captivity... According to Daniel’s vision, the four kingdoms that would seek to destroy our people were headed by Babylon. Not Egypt - who was not numbered among the four. As it is written, "…blessed be Egypt, My people..." (Is. 19:25). Why? Because Babylon was a demonic kingdom that opposed Yisrael from the outset, and Egypt did not. The Egyptians never attempted to overthrow our culture and beliefs. And remember, akhim, our father Abraham left his hometown just south of Babylon, and was led into Egypt by The Most High. Again, we must flee Babylon! But clearly, Babylon is not America. Babylon is the harlot church. So how is it then, brethren? We must flee the harlot churches of America, but not America herself. Sélah. Again, the United States of America is like unto the new Egypt. And like the ancient mother of Arzareth-America, as a sign to the nations, she will face the wrath of YAH, while His elect from every nationality of man are preserved right in her midst... Brethren, the conclusion of the matter is this: We as a people must flee the harlot religious system. But we must remain in 'Egypt' until the appointed time - which is very close at hand. Let us take heart, Hebrews, and no longer fear the wrath of YAH to come upon America. But rather, let us tremble at the thought of being judged by the Most High as part of the Babylonian harlot of Catholicism/Churchianity. Now, the New Exodus will be different in one fundamental way. This time, not only will we come out of Egypt and Babylon, but Egypt and Babylon will come out of us! And again, we shall no more defile His land. Remember, even the generation that entered into the promised land rebelled against the Most High, just as their fathers did, and greatly defiled the land (Ezek. 20:8-21). This is the very reason that Abba YAH will gather us in the land of our captivity, just as He did in the wilderness of Egypt. To purge us, and to prepare us to enter into His promises... For the full downloadable study, click on the link below: ​ The Great Gathering.pdf Additional info: The Two Holy Cities to Come.pdf Kingdom of Yisrael Community Land Trust.pdf Kingdom of Yisrael Land Reserve Initiative.pdf Kingdom Community Funding Initiative.pdf ​ For a full listing of Kingdom resources, click here . Donate

  • Muzic | United States | TCVI

    MUZIC "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." ​ - Colossians 3:16 TCVI is pleased to recognize a highly gifted associate with the KYCN family, Pastor John Tatum - Yokhanon Ben Yisra'el Ha Kohane - an amazing artist, with a powerful priestly anointing! For more from the Pastor-Kohane, visit: RUAKH: The New Genre of the Kingdom Beloved family, with all of the Holy Psalms we as children of YAH have been blessed to receive, the ancient love song, 'The Song of Solomon,' is called in the Hebrew tongue, 'Shir Ha Shirim,' which means The Song of Songs. Indeed. By all accounts, these timeless love lyrics foreshadow the spiritual intimacy shared by the Messiah and His Bride - the true remnant Churches. The Most High has revealed to His servant that in like manner, it will not be the current Christian genres, but spiritual love songs that will "set the atmosphere" if you will, for the great Hebrew Yisraelite reawakening in Christ now upon us! Look for TCVI's all-new KYCN Media radio station... ​ COMING SOON!

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