From Traditional Christians
Q: Do you have a Statement of Faith?
Ans: Yes. You can access our Articles of the Faith under the 'Kingdom' section of this website.
Q. Are you Christians?
Ans: Yes. The word 'Christian' simply refers to one who is a partaker of Christ and His anointing. However, among our Hebrew Yisraelite-aware brethren, as well as many in the Islamic community and others, the term has understandably come to represent the perversion of the faith of our fathers by ancient Greco-Romanized usurpers. The same is true for the English word 'God.'
This servant contends, however, that what the usurpers practice is not true Christianity, and these terms are legitimate - the term 'Christian' having been used by the apostle Peter, for example (See 1 Peter 4:16) - and therefore must no longer be co-opted by our enemies. I believe that for Hebrew Yisraelites to reject these terms is a strategic error; an unnecessarily divisive overreaction, given the fact that the majority of the very people we're called to reach still embrace this terminology.
Q: Do you believe in the virgin birth?
Ans: I know and understand that without the blood of Yahushua being untainted through bypassing the bloodline of fallen man, that His sacrifice would be ineffectual in terms of purging our consciences from dead works to serve the living Elohim. If His blood was 'Adamic,' we would yet be bound in the shackles of sin.
Q: Do you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior?
Ans: Absolutely. But I must be careful to point out that when you say "Jesus," we refer to Yahushua Ha Mashiakh, the Hebrew Yisraelite Messiah - not to the false purveyor of Greco-Roman pseudo-Christian paganism conjured up by our enemies.
With a "white Jesus" now being widely referred to as "Yeshua," ever since the release of the 2004 Mel Gibson film 'The Passion of the Christ,' the false image of an Ashkenazi or Khazarian "Jewish Christ" clearly represents, as the scripture admonishes, "...another Yahushua, whom we have not preached..."
Q. Where did you learn your doctrine?
Ans: The doctrine I teach came from the Most High by Yahushua through the Holy Spirit unto His servant; rooted in and based solely upon the foundation of the "Tanakh" (the Old Testament) and B'rit Ha Khadashah (the New Testament).
Q. What is your religious background?
Ans: Mainstream Presbyterian, Baptist, and born-again Pentecostal Christianity.
Q. Are you affiliated with any Hebrew Israelite hate groups?
Ans: I received the revelation of our identity and purpose as Messianic/Christian Hebrew Yisraelites by direct divine revelation, and not from any already established group or document of men.
During the 1990's, this servant sent a disciple/representative who met and dialogued with several of the founders and key leaders of these camps, both in New York and here in Southern California, and I do believe them to be our brothers. But I do not share, nor can I accept, any teaching that denies non-Hebrew Yisraelites access to the Covenant blessings of YAH.
Q. Do you believe only Hebrew Yisraelites can be saved?
Ans: No. I believe that there are those from every nation, kindred, tribe, tongue and people, who are predestined to be heirs and joint heirs with Hebrew Yisraelites as the sons of YAH - an integral part of the Commonwealth of Israel, as it is written. We do believe however, that the natural seed of Yisrael in Christ are the rightful and legal executors of the Covenants, and the primary heirs of the promises (See Rom. 9:3-4). The natural obedient sons outrank the adopted sons - not due to inherent racial or national superiority, but simply as a matter of Kingdom order.
Q. Does your doctrine come from the Bible?
Ans: Yes. I believe that all doctrine and revelation - apostolic, prophetic or apocryphal - must be rooted in, and in complete harmony with the revealed written word of YAHUWAH; the Torah, the Prophets, the Writings, and B'rit Ha Khadashah-The New Testament (the Holy Bible in the original languages.)
Q. Do you believe I must accept your doctrine to be saved?
Ans: No. As a matter of fact, I believe that all in the body of Christ are saved, but not all saved are in the body of Christ.
We contend that there are sincere believers in the Most High at various levels of revelation and destined for diverse roles in the Kingdom of heaven; some of which do not include ruling and reigning with Mashiakh. After all, if salvation were limited only to His Church, then there would simply be no one to rule and reign over except the lost, which is obviously not in the plan of Almighty YAH.
Q. What is your doctrine on the Trinity?
Ans: We believe in YAHUWAH our Father, and Yahushua, His firstborn Son among the everlasting, and the Holy Spirit.
I do not believe, however, in an unfathomable "Mystery of the Godhead" - something beyond our ability to grasp. If that were the case, then Yahushua's High Priestly prayer "That they all may be one; as you Father are in me, and I in you..." would simply have been uttered in vain, which is obviously not the case.
We believe that this same 'trinity principle' is manifested in many ways throughout the order of YAH.
For example, in the apostle as father, the prophet as his son in ministry, and the evangelist, like the third person of the Elohim, called alongside to help. Distinct men of YAH in distinct functions, yet all working together in the oneness of their common mission and purpose. So clearly, the Father and Messiah Yahushua are two distinct individuals who are in fact, one; but in doctrine and purpose, unto perfect love. This is a oneness that we're not only well able to comprehend, but to manifest as well.
Q. Do you believe in speaking in tongues?
Ans: Speaking in tongues is listed in scripture as one of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit (See 1 Cor. 12), and therefore, despite its rampant misuse and abuse, it remains a legitimate manifestation of the Spirit.
We do not believe, however, that tongues are the so-called "initial evidence" of being filled with the Spirit - and neither did Apostle William Seymour himself. This misnomer is based upon a misreading of the day of Pentecost. It is evident the disciples were not speaking in unknown tongues on that day, but rather, in the languages of those who were gathered in Jerusalem from other nations.
They were prophesying - not speaking in unknown tongues - as Peter bears out by referring to the prophecy of Yoel. Therefore, we must conclude that prophesying, speaking under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is the initial evidence; no matter what language the utterance happens to be in.
It is written, "Greater is he that prophesies than he that speaks in tongues..." But this order has been reversed, leading to the idea that when one prays in tongues, one is praying "in the Spirit" - which is perceived to be on a higher level than praying in one’s own language. But the scripture actually refers to praying "with the spirit," meaning with one's own spirit, as opposed to with one's own understanding. Many have even come to believe that to pray without understanding is somehow more spiritual! This confusion has left Pentecostals/Charismatics in particular, very susceptible to heresy, demonic infiltrations, and vain mimicry of this divine gift.
Behold, all manner of prayer of an obedient, Spirit-filled believer is in the Spirit, no matter what language it happens to be spoken in.
Q. Do you believe in the Word of Faith doctrine?
Ans: Absolutely not. We believe the so-called "word of faith" doctrine is rooted in a profound theological error - that one must confess the word in order to secure material blessings from the LORD. Yahushua taught the exact opposite: to take no thought for what we shall eat, drink, etc.; i.e. material things, for Abba YAH knows we have need of them.
Do we believe He wants us to prosper financially? Yes. But by very different means: by an equitable redistribution of material wealth among the saints, as it was in the early church, and the last days wealth of the wicked being transferred to the true saints. These are the real keys to Kingdom wealth.
The heretical "word of faith" doctrine hinges, for the most part, on two misapplied passages of scripture for its apologetics of what is in truth, a deep poverty of faith:
John 10:10 - Yahushua indeed taught that He came "...that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Their movement insists that He was referring to material blessings. And yet, Yahushua also taught, "...beware of covetousness; for a man's life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses" (Luke 12:15).
Notice the same two words, life and abundance, are used in both passages. This verse leaves no doubt that in the former instance He was referring to spiritual abundance. This example is typical of the "word of faith" movement's utter failure to rightly divide the word of truth.
Q. In what name do you baptize in?
Ans: We find this whole debate to be divisive and irrelevant for the following reason: we are disciples of Yah'shua and not Yokhanan (John) the Baptist. It was 'John' who baptized in water; and his own testimony was that Yah'shua would baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire.
It was Yah'shua who said, "He that believes and is baptized shall be saved." And since this directive was issued by the baptizer in the Holy Spirit, and not the baptizer in water, clearly, salvation is connected to the Spirit. This is why Paul displayed such a casual regard for water baptism, declaring "For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel." (1 Cor. 1:17).
Hear, O Yisrael: By one Spirit, not one water, are we all baptized into one body.
Q. Do you believe in the rapture?
Ans: Yes. We believe this event - a transforming of a living body of believers directly into immortality, along with the dead in Christ - to be clearly indicated in scripture, although not by the term 'rapture' (See 1 Thess. 4:13-18; 1 Cor. 15:51-53).
The word 'rapture' simply means a "catching away" - and this is exactly how the apostle Paul describes what has occurred, and what will occur at that moment. We do believe this transformation is reserved for a unique body of the saved who are called to be immortalized and rewarded with the authority to rule and reign with Christ over the nations.
There are certain among the righteous, however, who cannot yet see this; for although they are predestined to be saved, they are not called to this particular component of the Kingdom. This group will include even certain elements of Hebrew Yisraelites who will not receive Yahushua as Messiah until He returns, as it is written in Jude, "...with ten thousands of His saints (the raptured) to execute judgment..."
Q. Do you believe in Polygyny?
Ans: Yes, we do. But of course, we recognize that at this hour, the vast majority of the household of faith in general, and so-called black people in particular, are completely unaware of the longstanding history of Messianic/Christian polygyny (a husband with more than one wife).
Nevertheless, as a matter of truth, the revelation and re-acceptance of plural marriage, or polygyny, is key not only to setting Messianic/true Christian families in order, but to preparing the church for Yahushua. Why? Because His marriage to the Church is/will be a plural marriage.
For example, The Song of Solomon is by all accounts a glorious prefiguring of Messiah's love for His Church. Yet the fact that Abba YAH chose a polygynous family to do this has been largely overlooked by mainstream Christians, and completely dismissed by the Greco-Romanized theologians of the Western world.
In the Song, it was said to King Solomon by his favorite queen, the Shulamite, "...your name is as ointment poured forth; therefore, do the virgins love thee. Draw me, and we will run after thee..." (Song of Solomon 1:3-4).
It is no mere coincidence that the nation of Yisrael - the very root and foundation of true Christianity - sprang forth from our father Jacob and his four wives. For one to take an anti-polygyny position in light and in spite of these clear truths is to suggest that ancient Yisrael was a nation of bastards. So, would the Most High, pristine in His holiness, enter into a sacred oath with an accursed people? YAH forbid! This simply belies the truth.
Moreover, in the book of Revelation - which is a part of the New Covenant - it is written that the names of the twelve sons resulting from Jacob's polygynous relationships are permanently enshrined in the gates of the Holy City, the New Jerusalem (See Rev. 21:12). This is the very abode of Almighty YAHUWAH Himself. How then can we dare suggest that Messianic/Christian polygyny is sinful?
And furthermore, allegorically speaking, Abba YAH Himself is polygynous! It is written, "The word of YAHUWAH came again to me, saying, Son of man, there were two women, the daughters of one mother. They committed harlotry in Egypt, they committed harlotry in their youth; their breasts were there embraced, their virgin bosom was there pressed.
Their names: Aholah the elder and Aholibah her sister; they were Mine, and they bore sons and daughters. As for their names, Samaria is Aholah, and Jerusalem is Aholibah. Aholah played the harlot even though she was Mine; and she lusted for her lovers, the neighboring Assyrians..." (Ezek. 23:1-5). Sélah.
Q. How does a prophet function in your local congregations?
Ans: We teach, as the epistles state, that the offices of apostle and prophet are a part of the foundation of the universal body, with Yahushua Himself being the chief cornerstone thereof. Therefore, a prophet is part of what we refer to as fluid ministry - designed to provide oversight, insight, and foresight to the body of Christ at large.
The primary function of a shepherd must be to feed the flock at a specific local congregation. To that extent, clearly the local shepherd must come under the authority of the apostle and prophet. As a matter of truth, the original first century order saw local pastors being selected and confirmed by apostles, prophets and evangelists. The authentic anointing to put forth the fundamental doctrine, vision and direction of the local congregation has always rested upon the apostolic and prophetic offices.
Q. Do you believe GOD uses prophets today like in the past?
Ans: Most definitely. Contrary to popular opinion, a genuine prophet's mantle will continue to include the full range of prophetic expression - until we all come to the unity of the faith. How can we successfully build and plant on the "temple mount" as it were, without first uprooting the tares, and tearing down the monuments to idols thereon?
The so-called word of faith movement has put forth a kind of process-free "gospel" that requires no judgment nor warnings from the prophets. But authentic New Covenant ministry is called upon not only to exhort, edify and console, but to reprove, rebuke and admonish as well (See 2 Tim. 4:1,2; 2 Thess. 5:12,13). These functions must be fully restored to the body if we are ever to “...grow up into Him in all things...”
Q. How do you know that your prophecies really come from GOD?
Ans: Fundamentally, one must make one's calling and election sure - and as with all the gifts of YAH, one must prophesy or function in the prophetic office by faith. And of course, all prophecy must be authenticated and confirmed by the witness of fellow apostles, prophets, and teachers. As it is written, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established" (2 Cor. 13:1).
Q. Is there a difference between prophesying and preaching?
Ans: Yes. Prophesying is primarily for the shaping, drawing out and establishing of the saints into the fullness of Messiah, through foresight, insight and oversight; while preaching is for the conviction and calling of the lost, as well as for the uplifting and inspiring of the saved (although prophesying also convicts the unsaved (See 1 Cor. 14:24-25).
Q. Are all believers anointed to prophesy?
Ans: Any truly Spirit-filled believer can and will prophesy. In fact, despite popular Pentecostal dogma, we recognize that according to the apostle Peter, the initial evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit is prophesying - not speaking in unknown tongues (See Acts 2:14-19). The spiritual gift of telling forth the wonderful works of YAH is given to every true believer in Yahushua.
However, church governance, along with the added components of vision, instruction and correction, are specifically reserved for the ministry gifts of apostle, prophet and priest (evangelist and pastor/teacher), to equip the remnant at large to ultimately do likewise in the coming Kingdom.
Q. Isn't prophecy given to confirm what the Spirit has already revealed?
Ans: Not always. The scriptures are replete with instances of prophets seeing into the lives and destinies of individuals, as well as whole communities, cities, and nations, when they were themselves unwilling or unable to do so. Abba YAH sends prophets, even under the Renewed Covenant, for this very purpose (See Acts 11:27-30).
A true prophet, even in this hour, is endowed with a measured ability not only to see into the future, but into the lives of the saints, also - gain, including into areas they may be completely unaware of. We do believe however, that if the word is authentic, it will ultimately be confirmed by an inner witness, circumstances, a follow-up word from another saint, etc.
Q. How do you recognize a false prophet?
Ans: There are several ways; the most basic of which is, what they proclaim as the words of YAHUWAH are not rooted and grounded in scriptural truth - and don't come to pass.
Secondly, a false prophet tickles the ears with promises of blessings without process - gain without pain. Such men are inevitably obsessed with money. Especially the building of physical "churches" (monuments to their own egos), so as to outdo their fellow ministers, as in "How many are you running on Sunday, Doc?" - rather than building a spiritual temple consisting of the saints fitly joined together into a holy habitation unto YAH.
Q. If I receive a word I disagree with, what should I do?
Ans: If the prophet who is bringing you a word is a proven man of YAH, you should search your heart through prayer - and fasting if need be - to see if there is something lacking in your walk.
If you disagree with a word because it places you under conviction, then you would do well to take heed to that word as unto a light that shines in a dark place in your walk with YAH that has yet to be fully illuminated. But if you disagree with a word because you're unsure of the prophet or the prophecy, then you must simply wait on the Holy Spirit or a faithful witness for confirmation or further illumination into the subject of the prophecy.
But we do admonish you: Never reject the word of a proven prophet, for he is speaking in YAH's stead, and what he declares will be key to the release of Divine favor into your life, as well as being absolutely critical in your journey towards spiritual maturity.
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