In the Wilderness of the People of America
Yashah Ha Shaleakh, Servant and Royal Emissary of the House of Davïd, to the Holy Nation Worldwide, Greetings.
Beloved children, in light of the growing New Awakening, and the ongoing controversy over the location of ancient Jerusalem, a new urgency to return to the Promised Land has swept through the Kingdom. And certainly, the scriptures are clear concerning the promise of a physical return... As for this servant, I look forward with great anticipation to a pilgrimage to Zion for Passover 2025, YAH willing!
With that being said, many among the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware, including this servant, expect that before Abba YAH fully restores our ancient homeland, He will gather us into the wilderness of our affliction - New Yisrael / Arzareth-America - in the midst of His representative "melting pot" of all the peoples of the earth. Sélah.
Behold, saints: Let it be acknowledged throughout the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement, that the only vast wilderness areas in the United States are located in the Western states. And it "just so happens" that from the original land of our fathers, the most distant wilderness region on earth is the Mojave Desert in Southern California - the former land of Ha Makhav; a very rare, Torah-oriented Yisraelite tribe, dwelling in The Land of the Joshua Tree - with nearby Los Angeles sharing virtually the same global latitude as Jerusalem herself...
The true tribal name of the Mojave native Americans is Ha Makhav - Hebrew definition: "The open and secure bending water." [The Hebrew etymology of Ha Makhav: Ha - 'the', Mem - 'water' (mighty, blood), Kaf - 'bend' (open, tame), Vav - 'secure' (add, hook)].
Incredibly, the one-hundred-ten-mile Makhav (Mojave) river is underground, and literally flows backwards across San Bernardino County – away from the ocean instead of towards it. The river's waters never reach the sea. And one of only two places it surfaces is in Victorville, California. The current area of this High Desert city was the seat of the Makhav Capital, where the 'mayim' (water) - the 'mem' in Makhav - was available in abundance. Indeed.
And let it also be known that poverty-stricken Jacob from South L.A. has already begun to relocate to the High Desert in serious numbers, by the outstretched arm of Almighty YAH!
At this glorious and yet perilous hour in our history, we as true Yisraelites have now witnessed the final year of our four-hundred-year affliction in America; accompanied by the great sign of the four blood moons, and a steep rise in unchecked terrorism against our people.
Notice that in our captivities in ancient Egypt and Babylon, we gathered together in our own separate territories, and thereby remained strong and unified. We were together in one place. This is why the Pharaohs, Nebuchadnezzars, and Hamans were never able to fully disenfranchise our people as America has done. In other words, we established our own territory in each captivity, to preserve our people and sustain our culture. We must do so again.
Hear, O Yisrael: It is written, "Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so will I plead with you, says Adonai YAHUWAH" (Ezek. 20:36). Notice that the wilderness our ancient fathers escaped to was yet in the land of Egypt - in the land formerly ruled by their oppressors. According to the prophecy, so shall He plead with true Yisrael today - in a wilderness formerly under our oppressors as well. In the 'New Egypt.' Sélah.
Let it be known throughout the Movement that the Servant-Emissary of the House of Davïd has organized and structured the TCVI Church-Sanhedrin to provide a legal foundation for a sovereign Yisraelite state in the wilderness of America, as a safe haven for our people - restoring the United Kingdom of Yisrael in exile.
For as long as most of us can remember, the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware community has been deeply divided over the 'four-hundred years prophecy' recorded in Genesis. And as we all know, the 2019 end-date is based on the official 1619 historical marker of the introduction of chattel slavery into America.
The prophecy reveals that after a four-hundred-year servitude, Abraham's seed shall come out of great affliction, "...with great substance." And now, the historical marker of 1619 has been officially codified by America in the recent legislation, House Resolution 1242; echoing the position of the proponents among us [of which this servant is surely one].
So does this particular prophecy apply to all Yisrael?
As you know, according to the Torah, Hebrew Yisraelites were scattered across the length and breadth of the earth. But the final dispersal of the Kingdom of Yahudah was primarily southward into Africa. And yet, we who were delivered to the Americas - and to the United States in particular - were specifically set apart from Yahudah in Africa, as well as from Ephraim in America, and the Commonwealth at-large.
To be sure, many of our Yisraelite ancestors were living, both free and bond, in the Western Hemisphere prior to 1619. However, 1619 marks the onset of our affliction beginning at Point Comfort, Virginia - which occurred under the aegis of the revolutionary 'American Experiment.' Let it also be known throughout the Commonwealth that Hebrew Yisraelites from the United States of America represent a specifically set-apart component of the overall Diaspora, consisting primarily of the ruling class of the Kingdom of Yahudah, the inhabitants of Benyamin and Yerushalayim, and the Royal family of Davïd.
So why the United States?
My fellow countrymen, the original intent of the U.S. Constitution was to replicate the Divine preeminence of ancient Yisrael. This destiny and purpose makes the United States of America separate and distinct among all the nations of the earth. To that extent, the four-hundred-year captivity of Abraham’s seed began under the thirteen British colonies of America in August of 1619, and set in motion a chastisement and processing that is totally unique among the Diaspora.
(Note: The maiden voyage of 'The Good Ship Jesus,' marking the introduction of chattel slavery into the Western Hemisphere, was to the Spanish stronghold of the Dominican Republic, in the year 1562, some fifty-seven years earlier.)
The truth is, brethren, that the four-hundred years prophecy specifically concerns Abraham’s seed (singular), which the New Davidic Covenant reveals to be Yahushua - the Messiah Himself (Gal. 3:16). Therefore, the Genesis prophecy speaks only of those Hebrew Yisraelites determined by YAH to be in Yahushua Ha Mashiakh (Gal. 3:29). Sélah.
Clearly, the overwhelming majority of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ are, and will be, from America. And so shall the Hebrew Yisraelites, led by the Royal family of Davïd, and all Yahudah and Yerushalayim, gloriously fulfill the prophecy of Genesis of an end-times mass Exodus of the seed of Ya’aqob to the land of our fathers. Even so, Ahmen.
Even at the dawning of our prophesied deliverance, there remains much confusion in the Movement over the very nature of our captivity. For example, some say we must flee "Babylon," meaning America, and return to our homeland as a refuge from the coming wrath of YAH. [And yet, it is written, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Mashiakh Yahushua, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit."] On the other hand, some of us say that America is the new Egypt; and that we will be passed over, just as it was in Goshen - and like the first Exodus, we shall come forth with great substance.
To begin with, our conflating of these allegories has caused us to overlook the fact that the two captivities were completely different - both in terms of their prophetic meaning, and their effect on our ancient fathers. Indeed, we must flee Babylon. No doubt! But remember, the Babylonians led us away captive; whereas with the Egyptians (like in America), Yisraelites were living in the land long before the age of captivity...
According to Daniel’s vision, the four kingdoms that would seek to destroy our people were headed by Babylon. Not Egypt - who was not numbered among the four. As it is written, "…blessed be Egypt, My people..." (Is. 19:25). Why? Because Babylon was a demonic kingdom that opposed Yisrael from the outset, and Egypt did not. The Egyptians never attempted to overthrow our culture and beliefs. And remember, akhim, our father Abraham left his hometown just south of Babylon, and was led into Egypt by The Most High.
Again, we must flee Babylon! But clearly, Babylon is not America. Babylon is the harlot church.
So how is it then, brethren? We must flee the harlot churches of America, but not America herself. Sélah. Again, the United States of America is like unto the new Egypt. And like the ancient mother of Arzareth-America, as a sign to the nations, she will face the wrath of YAH, while His elect from every nationality of man are preserved right in her midst...
Brethren, the conclusion of the matter is this: We as a people must flee the harlot religious system. But we must remain in 'Egypt' until the appointed time - which is very close at hand. Let us take heart, Hebrews, and no longer fear the wrath of YAH to come upon America. But rather, let us tremble at the thought of being judged by the Most High as part of the Babylonian harlot of Catholicism/Churchianity.
Now, the New Exodus will be different in one fundamental way. This time, not only will we come out of Egypt and Babylon, but Egypt and Babylon will come out of us! And again, we shall no more defile His land. Remember, even the generation that entered into the promised land rebelled against the Most High, just as their fathers did, and greatly defiled the land (Ezek. 20:8-21). This is the very reason that Abba YAH will gather us in the land of our captivity, just as He did in the wilderness of Egypt. To purge us, and to prepare us to enter into His promises...
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Additional info:
The Two Holy Cities to Come.pdf
Kingdom of Yisrael Community Land Trust.pdf
Kingdom of Yisrael Land Reserve Initiative.pdf
Kingdom Community Funding Initiative.pdf
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