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Hebrew Yisraelite-Aware Street Preachers


On March 4, 1968, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), under the direction of the infamous J. Edgar Hoover, circulated a staff memo entitled: 

Counterintelligence Program: Black Nationalist -- Hate Groups Racial Intelligence.

This deep state-sponsored government program, which came to be known as 'COINTELPRO,' stated that one of its main goals was " prevent the rise of a 'Messiah' who could unify and electrify the militant black nationalist movement." Indeed.


By 1999, the United States Government considered the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement to be more of a threat to its internal security than "...terrorists and jihadists."

This unwarranted covert activity has helped to create a climate of hatred and fear toward those of us among the supposed "African American" people who have awakened to our true national identity. Now to be sure, within any social movement, there are extremist elements that reflect poorly upon the whole. No doubt. But even the blameless factions within our ranks have faced constant ridicule, false accusations and worse; coming from every ethnicity, class, political view and religious tradition. And especially, from envious and traitorous "family" members, "friends," co-workers and infiltrators. And so it is.

The following is TCVI's official response to the six most common false accusations:


"You're anti-Semitic."

Our response: Let it be known and understood before all the nations of the earth that we as Hebrew Yisraelites are not against the true Jews - who ironically, happen to be "black," genetically Shemitic, and the head tribe of our own Kingdom. So to all sincere seekers of truth through the Torah from 
every ethnicity of mankind, regardless of color, class or nationality: We love and embrace you in Abba YAH. And therefore, we beseech you to come as you are to your true Messiah; the Eternal King and High Priest of all Yisrael, Christ - Yahushua Ha Mashiakh. HalleluYAH!

But at the same time, we do identify those who are not Jews, neither by ethnicity nor by practice, but who are still referred to as "Jewish." And we recognize that due to the disobedience of our own people, these pagan Gentiles, along with their sold-out allies in Hollywood, politics and mass media, have been allowed by our GOD to shrewdly embed into the public mind that anyone who would find fault with them for any reason, must be immediately branded as "anti-Semitic."

We also recognize that this despicable tactic has been used for centuries, to maintain a worldwide "Jewish" usurping of the divine inheritance promised to the true seed of Abraham, Yitzhaq and Ya'aqob. And up until this pivotal moment in history, these deceivers -
and their traitorous black 'gatekeepers' - have been allowed by Almighty YAH to exercise a virtual monopoly on the priceless human capital encoded in the true seed; and to do so without a legal or moral consequence.

But as of Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles] 2019, the prophesied four-hundred-year affliction of our people has fully run its course. And now, after the long night of our captivity, Abba YAH in His Divine Providence is strategically lifting the curse, and bringing the truth of our stolen heritage into the light of day before America and the world! YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!!

Surely it is written of the Almighty, that righteousness and justice are the very foundation of His Throne!
And surely, they shall receive justice without mercy who have shown no mercy; for the mouth of Almighty YAH has spoken it.


"You're anti-Christian."

Our response: To begin with, to suggest that any "religious" group is a theological monolith is unrealistic. And of course, this holds true for the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement. Obviously, there are believers in Christ among us, and non-believers as well, just like there are among traditional 'Judeo-Christians.'

Now, what most Hebrew Yisraelite factions refer to as Christianity (and the word 'Christian' simply means "in Christ") we refer to as
'Church-ianity' - which is the ancient Emperor Constantine's shrewd religious mixing of Roman Mithraism with the true Christian faith once delivered unto the saints at Jerusalem. It is this Babylonian pseudo-Christian 'Roman Catholicism' - which most supposed Protestants have never fully renounced - that the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement and TCVI categorically reject, and that without apologies.

The TCVI Royal Church is a universal ministry to all Yisrael, and we wholeheartedly believe in Christ and His redemptive sacrifice at Calvary. But we simply cannot accept a Euro-Gentile "God" who is not the real Christ, but a concocted "white" image ordered by the Vatican, to help facilitate the Arab-Eurasian-Jewish chattel enslavement of the true Jews.

As the real children of Yisrael, we know and understand full well that Christ, the true Messiah and Eternal King and High Priest of Yisrael, is a Hebrew Yisraelite - a Yahudi (Jew) from the tribe of Yahudah - and not a Euro-Gentile Ashkenazi or Caucasian. And yes, His skin color matters. If not, there would have been no reason to usurp the identity of the true Christ to begin with.

In fact, even our 'African Methodist Episcopal' (AME) kinsmen, for example, are aware of this historical truth - although the Hebrew Yisraelite-aware among us have reclaimed our national identity completely... But even as we speak, traditional Christians of every faction are turning to their Hebrew roots in great numbers, in a powerful end-time move of the Holy Spirit!


"You're legalists."

Our response: Traditional Christians, being indoctrinated with a Greco-Romanized mindset, have misunderstood the profound writings of the apostle Paul, and believe that the curse of the Law is the Law itself. In other words, 'Churchianity' insists that those of us who are reconnecting to our Hebrew Yisraelite culture are "frustrating the grace of GOD."

But in truth, according to the book of Hebrews, the only part of the Torah which is no longer applicable in Christ are the carnal ordinances of the Levitical Priesthood - the Order of the former Temple - which was replaced with the New Covenant Royal Priesthood of Melchizedek; since Christ, our eternal High Priest, sprang forth not from Levï, but from Yahudah (Ezek. 44:10-31, Heb. 7:11-19). Indeed.

For example, the divine blueprint of the New Temple
 which is soon to come, is designed according to this change in the Order of Priesthood; with very critical differences - such as no Menorah, no veil before the Holy of Holies, and so on (Ezek., chapters 40-47). Clearly, the Yisraelite moral, civil, and dietary laws - and our Holy Convocations have in no wise been abolished in Christ. Sélah.

Now concerning the keeping of the Law: Just as the tablets of stone were placed inside the Ark of the Covenant, with the Torah scrolls placed beside the Ark, the Ten Commandments have been written in our hearts by the Holy Spirit; that we may be able to comprehend, and to outwardly follow the Torah [our Divine Instructions] unto everlasting life...
In Spirit and in truth, the greatest teachers and keepers of the Torah who have ever lived were Christ Himself and His apostles. Even the 'Seventh Day Adventist' denomination for example, has the wisdom to obey the Sabbath Day Commandment, both in the flesh and in the Spirit. And likewise, many other Messianic-Christian organizations have now begun to recognize and acknowledge the Torah-based connection and proper balance between Law and Grace. HalleluYAH!

For as it is written, "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of YAHUWAH, and the faith of Yahushua" (Rev. 14:12). Even so, Ahmen.


"You're a cult."

Our response: According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a cult is - "A small 'religious' group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion, and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous." By that definition, TCVI is absolutely guilty - of practicing "pure religion," as defined by our Messiah's brother, Prince Ya'aqob (Ya'aqob-James 1:27).

With that said, the fact that some people may regard TCVI's beliefs or any other set of beliefs as extreme or dangerous does not automatically make it so. In fact, our Messiah Himself and His original Movement were obviously viewed in that same fashion, along with every other significant political or 'religious' movement in history...

And beyond that, in 2014, former President 'Barack Hussein Obama' pointed out publicly, for example, that many atrocities, including the "Crusades" of the Middle Ages and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, were committed as a result of the radical religious beliefs of "mainstream" Christians. So again, to conclude that all are guilty based upon the radical extremism of a few is at best, unwise. And at worst, it represents the very folly that led to the national rejection of our Messiah, and the destruction of ancient Yisrael.


"You're a hate group."

Our response: TCVI teaches that racism and sexism - i.e., judging, or even condemning someone on the basis of skin color or gender - is unscriptural, immoral and illogical. In fact, these prejudices have long since proven to be foolish, by the fear-mongering and inflammatory rhetoric of race supremacists, misogynists and misandrists of all kinds. And we do find it "narcissistic" and hypocritical to be accused of racism and sexism by our racist and sexist enemies...
So are there any among the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement who prejudge people by color and gender? Of course. But again, this does not include all of us, any more than it does among any other group. As for TCVI being misogynistic and "homophobic," we firmly and unapologetically believe in the Kingdom order of male and femaleand we fear no one but Almighty YAH and His Son!

Behold, the truth: Across all factions, denominations, etc., the worldly call for the removal of racial and gender distinction is: "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Messiah Yahushua" (Gal. 3:28). But is this verse really a Pauline declaration that these ancient orders have been removed in Christ?
Now notice that the same apostle who wrote, "There is neither Jew nor Greek..." also wrote that the Gospel is, "...for the Jew first, and also for the Greek" (Rom. 1:16). And although he wrote, "there is neither male nor female..." he also wrote, "But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is the man..." (1 Cor. 11:3).

So was the apostle Paul confused, or inconsistent? YAH forbid!
In spite of those who reject Shaleakh Pah'ul as an instigator of lawlessness, the truth is clear: the great apostle was absolutely correct. Rather than abolishing nationality or gender [or class], he was simply informing the bewitched church at Galatia that unlike the doctrine of the hirelings, and beyond being Hebrew, male and circumcised, the order of redemption in Christ is the same for all - regardless of race, gender or social status.


"You're terrorists."

Our response: This absurd accusation is the most slanderous and misleading of them all. The idea that the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement is somehow linked to Muslim jihadism based upon similar garments or other cultural features is an obvious lie that should be routinely dismissed. (Although, color-based verbal attacks from certain Hebrew Yisraelite-aware individuals and groups are a legitimate concern.)
Despite there being no evidence whatsoever of physical violence being carried out by the Hebrew Yisraelite Movement, this media-driven myth continues to persist. But from our perspective, as the descendants of indigenous "Black Indians" and involuntarily imported slaves - to be accused of violence by "White supremacists" who have perpetrated some of the most brutal acts of terrorism in the annals of human history is perhaps the ultimate irony. 

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