
The beloved Mr. Watkins (R.I.C.), Founder of the Watts Labor Community Action Committee, standing outside the facility with some of the many young people, just like the servant, that received crucial assistance in many ways...

The Sylvers' drummer and bassist, Alvino Bennett and Dana Marshall, checking out the venue before our concert at Magic Mountain Amusement Park in Cali.

The 'Titanic' Hit Machine... Holding Bible studies as a staff writer-producer at Silverspoon Productions - and turning down a Motown-distributed record deal that required creative/spiritual compromise.

An old screen shot from the early days of the 'Preparing The Way' prophetic public access TV outreach, conceived and written through the servant - covering the greater Los Angeles area, and launched in April,1993.

Our beautiful akhotim [sisters] dancing in praise and worship before Abba YAH, at 'The Love Gathering' Hebrew Yisraelite Conference and Fellowship - Atlanta GA, 2005.

Celebrating at the servant's eldest son Khallil's graduation ceremony - May 2010. L to r. - Khallil's uncle T.D., his father, and his grandpa Tommy (R.I.C.)

The servant and some of his students, at Brentwood Elementary School in Victorville - June 2014. From the 'Swag Kidz' - "the worst class in the worst school in the district" - to 'The B'Wyze Crew' - future leaders of our community...

Coming to terms with the longsuffering, persecution and total surrender of an apostolic assignment in Christ...

Exchanging notes with Captain Sakawar of ISUPK, at their local BBQ here in Victorville in 2017. The group's leader, Commanding General Yahanna (in the red t-shirt), acknowledged the servant warmly and respectfully.

Providing apostolic and prophetic revelation, and a Divine Order of Kingdom Governance, to rebuild the ancient Tabernacle of Davïd.

Inscribing for Hebrew Yisraelite posterity, the post-2019 age of spiritual liberty for the universal Elect in Christ. - August, 2020

The Servant-Emissary of Abba YAH and Yahushua Ha Mashiakh. - September, 2021