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Habakkuk 2:1-4


The Church at Victorville (TCVI) is a global, Messianic Christian Yisraelite association, based in the High Desert of Southern California.

TCVI teaches that we, the supposed African American people, are the true seed of the ancient Hebrew Yisraelites - and are therefore, the primary heirs and rightful executors of the Covenants of Almighty YAH.

We also teach that the faithful Gentiles grafted into the Kingdom through Christ are naturalized Yisraelites, and fellow subjects of the hidden Throne of
Davïd, and the Desposyni - The Royal Family of Yisrael.

Is Christ the Son of David?

Discover the key to the ancient mystery that has blinded the Kingdom Movement...

In the Real News


For the past sixty years, the vast majority of Black American women, and the "down low" black preachers, politicians, "stars," and betas who exploit them, have chosen to identify with the "Democratic" Party.


And yet, from its radical pro-slavery beginnings in 1828 to this day, this treasonous "elite" cabal has been the upright 'black' man's greatest enemy. 


But in 2024, thanks to Russian President Vladimir Putin - a 'white' man - the truth has been revealed before the world that the real "Jesus" is a 'black' man.


Russian President Vladimir Putin displays a pre-Renaissance icon of Christ. CREDIT: May 10, 2024 Russian Free Press

Now suddenly, many of these bought and sold black traitors are pretending as if they were not guilty of bowing before their "liberal" white 'massas,' and worse, while they slandered and oppressed the "uppity blacks" who have followed the real Christ - Yahushua - and have faithfully borne their crosses all along. And so it is...


Behold, America: The Divine Judgment is set - and all faithful Hebrew Yisraelite and true Christian citizens and subjects of the Holy Nation shall be vindicated and greatly rewarded! But the traitors, both 'black and white,' are now being seen by the whole world for exactly who they are - and shall be recompensed by Almighty YAH according to their works, as it is written.

YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!

The Great Gathering

Hear O Yisrael: After the four-hundred-year sojourn of Yahudah in America, the end-time deliverance of all Yisrael has come! And in 2024, the all-time historic Hebrew year of the Great Jubilee begins... It's time to support your emerging City-State in the High Desert of Southern California! 

Learn more here

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the Commandments of YAHUWAH and the faith of Yahushua.

- Revelation 14:12

The seal of the Kingdom Commonwealth of Yisrael


Putin declares to the world that Christ is 'black'

Putin declares to the world that Christ is 'black'

Russian President Vladimir Putin opens his nation's vaults to display original icons of ancient Hebrew Yisraelites, including Christ Himself!

The Honorable Nasik Gavriel Ha Gadol and Family

The Honorable Nasik Gavriel Ha Gadol and Family

My beloved elder and friend, 'The Angel of Love,' a Founding Father of The Village of Peace, and Elder Statesman of the Holy Council at Dimona, Israel.

Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (April 30, 1941 - August 21, 2022). May He Rest in Eternal Sh

Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael (April 30, 1941 - August 21, 2022). May He Rest in Eternal Sh

My beloved elder and friend, and the original International Ambassador 'Plenipotentiary' of the African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem, the great diplomat and statesman Prince Asiel Ben Yisrael, with his firstborn son, Asiel Ben Asiel - in Ghana, West Africa, 2017. R.I.C., Prince Asiel Jr. - You faithfully bore public witness to the servant's Davidic anointing, and called upon the Kingdom to do the same... I'll see you in the Morning, beloved son. I won't let you down! YAH Khai v'HalleluYAH!!

Prince AmonYAH Ben Eleazar Ha Kohane & Family

Prince AmonYAH Ben Eleazar Ha Kohane & Family

My beloved elder brother and fellow Kingdom strategist, Prince AmonYah Ben Eleazer Ha Kohane of Mitzpe Ramon; an original member of the Order of Priests at Dimona, Israel.

'Jewish' Zionists troubled over Biblical Jews in the Holy Land

'Jewish' Zionists troubled over Biblical Jews in the Holy Land

Kefar Ha Shalom's Minister of Information, Sar Ahmadiel Ben Yehuda, speaks at the 45th Annual New World Passover Celebration at Dimona, Israel.

Hebrew Yisraelites vs. the Israeli state?

Hebrew Yisraelites vs. the Israeli state?

Are the Shemetic Hebrew Yisraelite-aware in America "anti-Semitic?" Will the Jewish people and the Israeli state remain exempt from legitimate criticism? Stay tuned...



A miraculous sign from Almighty YAH in the heavens over America - 2017. This divine event earmarks the beginning of the last seven years of Yisrael's sojourn...

Reasoning with an ISUPK Captain

Reasoning with an ISUPK Captain

Discussing the Royal Order of Davïd with Captain Sakawar at an ISUPK BBQ in Victorville, CA. The group's controversial leader, Commanding General Yahanna, greeted the servant warmly and respectfully.

An 11th-century Greek painting of captive Hebrew Yisraelites

An 11th-century Greek painting of captive Hebrew Yisraelites

Three Chaldean officials with captive Judeans in ancient Babylon.

The original twelve Apostles of Christ

The original twelve Apostles of Christ

A pre-Renaissance icon of the twelve apostles

Before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade 'switch-over'

Before the Trans-Atlantic slave trade 'switch-over'

A pre-"Renaissance" Eastern Eurasian rendering of Hebrew Yisraelites in Christ.

Former Egyptian President, the late Gamel Abdel Nasser

Former Egyptian President, the late Gamel Abdel Nasser

The late-great Egyptian leader's famous quote still reverberates in today's emerging Hebrew Yisraelite Movement...

Victorville, California

Victorville, California

A city of Divine destiny...

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